
Showing posts from May, 2023

Community Centre 3D printed: Part 1/4.

By the end of 2021, as soon as the Spooky House was designed, I was thinking of designing an awesome treehouse, as I love my big Old Oak Hollow Country Treehouse so much. 3D designing and printing is a long and slowly improving skillset, so I finally felt confident enough to pull it off, as I knew that this project would be yet another step up using the necessary skills.  As my own crafting skills decreased over the years  due to having MS,  even before I had Sylvanians, 3D printing brought back all that excitement!  I did not want a gigantic treehouse as a residence. There are plenty of treehouses as in "house" already. Plus, treehouses only have 1 to 3 rooms up to now, wayyyyy  unsatisfactory. I always wanted a tree, as a Community Centre, where everyone could meet,   enjoy an activity, chat and have fun! I wanted to give it all a fairy themed look and feel. I started glaring and drooling at possible printable files to tweak: bird houses, lanterns, ...