How it all started and evolved.
One of my friends suggested that I could fill my crafting hiatus by posting blogs from my old blog site here, so I will do so. I will combine topics and improve them, so I removed almost all old blogs. Let's start with the beginning. It started on a funny note. My husband and I had some time to spare by the end of 2017 and strolled through a toy store. He had never seen Sylvanians before. I did, I loved them from the first time I saw them in the mid eighties, shortly after they appeared, yet never had the funds to start collecting them. As soon as he saw them, he slapped his thighs in laughter, and breathlessly pushed out the words "I want this!" So happy to find a partner who loved them too! My dad, who died when I was 12, would have loved them a lot too, so that moment at the store was extra special. Once that the Sylvanian setups started taking shape, hub said to me that he wanted the Sylvanians to tell him a story, so I posed them as if they are in the midst of doin...