House of Art
My Sylvs are quite cheeky, so art with a twist just had to be it! My hometown always had a section of medieval art in the catacombs under city hall. When I was little, not all of it was opened up. My dad would have loved to see all of it, as it's displayed now. As usual, memories of my dad get incorporated into JollyOaksField, so I had to have a small art house. Not medieval art, but mischievous art! I created plaques with text, to name the art works, though that will be hard to read on pics, so I will add the text of each for you to read. Most refer to an idiom, one to a famous painting, one to a famous architect, and one is a word gag. Dust gathering bunny Dear Deer Can you look a gifted zebra in the mouth? Storm leaving the teacup Gaudy...