Saving a kittycat out of a tree

 A few years ago, I 3D printed a fire truck. Well, a Rescue Squad truck, as my Sylvs don't get into much trouble at all.

I was amazed that it did not fit well together, as the design did right in front of my nose. Dimentional accuracy is a problem in many printers. It was glued together and always very delicate to handle to clean, because it barely fit. 

I thought about reprinting it with my new printer, till I spotted a Honey Bee Acres farmer's truck on Facebook. That was fun to revamp! Here's the result!

Trying to get a firewoman out of my printed truck made it completely fall apart in many pieces. Since some parts, like the logo, did not come off, I did reprint several parts for it. I can print in multiple colors now, so that was an advantage.

This was the start model. On the advert, it looked pale blue, but it was actually turquoise when it arrived.

2 spray cans of pearl acrylic, a chrome acrylic pen & printed parts later, it looks like a proper rescue squad truck! Hope you like it! 


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