Town Hall

I always study the "maps" which can be found on Sylvanian boxes, as they indicate ideas of possible future releases. On one map of a few years ago, I saw a large building, which sortoff made me wonder if that was meant as a Town Hall. In contrary to the usual pale buildings, this one was again more like the 80ties style in darker wooden colors. I liked the entire concept.

Anyway, my hopes for it to become released have dwindled over the years. I created a help center, but it was too small for what needed to go inside, I wanted to move them into a decent sized building. Now that I have a fast new 3D printer, I figured that it was time to create one of my own and I wanted to keep the concept a bit of what I saw on the Sylvanian map. Here's the front.

I bought a cheap Parisian non- printable 3D model building a while back, without a rooftop. I also discovered a free mansarde roof. Both models needed a bit of work to improve them so they could be printed. Both were the traditional Sylvanian Town series style.

The roof did not look as good as I wanted it to be. This was before.

This is after.

This is the Town Hall at the back. 

Some details of both the juniors helping out.

Hope you enjoyed this short blog! One more building coming up soon!


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